

30 de abril de 2021










No permitas que el techo, ni nada ni nadie detengan tus oraciones a Dios.






                                        ES increíble la poca capacidad de resistencia en algunos seres humanos. He conocido casos de personas que han orado por la conversión de su pareja por cerca de 40 años, he vivido oraciones y clamores por mi salud delante de Dios por más de 10 años y aún sigo sin ver la respuesta.  Pero nuestra perseverancia y resistencia harán la diferencia entre ver la respuestas a nuestra peticiones o no. Todo a nuestro alrededor está en contra nuestra. Debemos por lo tanto, aprehendernos de las promesas dadas en la Biblia para todos aquellos que entendiendo que estamos con la condición de ser hijos de Dios, podemos acercar nos delante de Su altar y reclamar la justicia divina, entendiendo que nuestro enemigo es el adversario y no la gente que está a nuestro alrededor. Por lo tanto, no dejemos de clamar y porque no, simplemente gritemos al Cielo para que nuestras oraciones sean escuchadas y respondidas desde los cielos.


Y oyendo que era Jesús nazareno, comenzó a dar voces y a decir: ¡Jesús, Hijo de David, ten misericordia de mí!


Marcos 10. 47 RV60


Jesucristo estaba rodeado de una muchedumbre de personas necesitadas y él estaba de camino a Jerusalén para su entrega en sacrificio por toda la humanidad. En medio de este gentío, un ciego mendigo está esperando que alguien se acuerde de él. Este ciego nunca había visto a Jesús de Nazareth, mucho menos pudo ir a las otras regiones donde estuvo haciendo milagros, pero alguien, algún conocido suyo, tuvo que contarle acerca de la manifestación gloriosa de Dios a través de Jesucristo. Y este ciego, bajo la influencia del Espíritu Santo, comienza a revelar la promesa davínica del Mesías reencarnada en Jesús de Nazareth: ¡Jesús, Hijo de David, ten misericordia de mí!


“Y muchos le reprendían para que callase, pero él clamaba mucho más: ¡Hijo de David, ten misericordia de mí!”


Marcos 10. 48 RV60



Desconozco cada una de las situaciones que podemos estar viviendo. Pero conociendo un poco el actuar del adversario en nuestras vidas y por las malas decisiones que tomamos en la vida, sé que nuestros problemas se enfocan en la salud, la economía, la familia, el hogar y el matrimonio. Cada cual buscará su manera de librarse de estos conflictos a través de medios quizá sean contraproducentes como las drogas, el alcohol, la depresión, el sexo, los medicamentos…la lista es muy larga. Hoy solo quiero traer una simple invitación para nuestras vidas: no dejemos de gritar y de clamar “Jesucristo damos la libertad y la paz de vivir dirigidos totalmente por ti, para saber sobrepasar todos las dificultades que debemos enfrentar en la vida”.  


Dios te bendiga.





Dios te bendiga y traiga revelación a tú vida de la Mente de Cristo que ya está en ti.  


Si quieres que estemos orando por ti, mándanos por medio de las redes sociales o a través de estos contactos, tu petición.



web: https://www.agopla.com/

email: agopla1976@gmail.com

Podcats: https://anchor.fm/alfonso-gomez-plaza 

Instagram: @agopla1976

FaithSocial: agopla1125695

Twitter: @devocinagopla

Facebook: fb.me/devocionalesponcho

WhatsApp: Tel + 44 7446 424456

Sky: live633268005c

Pinterest: agomezplaza

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNslYjN5a7vRk2z7w3Qqnw/featured?view_as=subscriber




Dios te bendiga y traiga siempre trayendo revelación a tú vida de la Mente de Cristo que ya está en ti.









Do not let the ceiling, or anything, or anyone stop your prayers to God.




                                        IT is incredible how little resistance capacity is in some human beings. I have known cases of people who have prayed for the conversion of their partner for about 40 years, I have lived prayers and cries for my health before God for more than 10 years and I still do not see the answer. But our perseverance and resistance will make the difference between seeing the answers to our requests or not. Everything around us is against us. We must therefore apprehend the promises given in the Bible for all those who, understanding that we are in the condition of being children of God, can approach us before His altar and claim divine justice, understanding that our enemy is the adversary and not the people around us. Therefore, let us not stop crying out and why not, simply shout to Heaven so that our prayers may be heard and answered from heaven.


"And hearing that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"


Mark 10. 47


Jesus Christ was surrounded by a crowd of needy people and he was on his way to Jerusalem to give himself up as a sacrifice for all mankind. In the midst of this crowd, a blind beggar is waiting for someone to remember him. This blind man had never seen Jesus of Nazareth, much less could he go to the other regions where he was doing miracles, but someone, someone he knew, had to tell him about the glorious manifestation of God through Jesus Christ. And this blind man, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, begins to reveal the Davidic promise of the Messiah reincarnated in Jesus of Nazareth: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!


"And many rebuked him to keep quiet, but he cried out much more: Son of David, have mercy on me!"


Mark 10. 48



I do not know each of the situations that we may be experiencing. But knowing a little about the actions of the adversary in our lives and because of the bad decisions we make in life, I know that our problems focus on health, finances, family, home and marriage. Each one will find their way to get rid of these conflicts through means that may be counterproductive such as drugs, alcohol, depression, sex, medications ... the list is very long. Today I just want to bring a simple invitation to our lives: let us not stop shouting and crying out "Jesus Christ we give the freedom and peace to live totally directed by you, to know how to overcome all the difficulties that we must face in life."


God bless you.





God bless you and bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you. Remember to acquire the book: "HOW TO UNDERSTAND THAT PRIESTHOOD PRODUCES IN ME MAN", through this link:





If you want us to be praying for you, send us your request through social networks or through these contacts.


web: https://www.agopla.com/

email: agopla1976@gmail.com

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/alfonso-gomez-plaza 

Instagram: @agopla1976

FaithSocial: agopla1125695

Twitter: @devocinagopla

Facebook: fb.me/devocionalesponcho

WhatsApp: Tel + 44 7446 424456

Sky: live633268005c

Pinterest: agomezplaza

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNslYjN5a7vRk2z7w3Qqnw/featured?view_as=subscriber




God bless you and always bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you.

29 de abril de 2021








What is difficult for us to accept is because we do not want to understand it.




                                        TODAY I read a strong note in my personal devotional where the writer spoke of the uniqueness of Jesus of Nazareth. I say strong because it must be recognized that if we do not accept that Jesus was unique and special, it will be difficult for us to accept the kingdom of heaven and obviously all that it implies. Today young people easily accept that Jesus was special, what is difficult for them is to understand that he is the Christ. But it is inherent to consider one point as the other. Jesus of Nazareth is Christ, the Messiah, the God made Man who approached humanity to restore what had fallen and defeat the work of the adversary and of darkness. If we are not able to recognize this unspoken truth, it will be very difficult for us to understand the Kingdom of God and its Justice.


"For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."


Mark 10. 45



If today I had to put a slogan to the ministerial life of Jesus Christ it would be: "SAYING AND DOING" and I firmly believe that this was one of the circumstances that differentiates the Master from the other Rabbi of his time. If we can detail all of Christ's actions, he would turn his deeds into sermons and when he preached something, he immediately put it into practice. Unfortunately, today it happens that we preach and hope that the faithful in the congregations, alone during the week, will make reality the truth that we have taught about the kingdom of heaven. I have only read that Jesus Christ sent his disciples alone on one occasion, but he previously equipped and prepared them for this action, otherwise he was always with them.


"Then they came to Jericho; and as he and his disciples and a large crowd left Jericho, blind Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus, was sitting by the road begging."


Mark 10. 46



Life is not easy at all: divorces, separations, fights, disputes, etc. In addition, we will meet for people more in need than ourselves. Let us remember that we are wounded souls healed wounded souls and that there is absolutely no one perfect in this life, less in the churches. We will meet physically, spiritually and soul sick people begging for love, understanding and help. But it will be up to us to present the only one who is worthy and sufficient to free human beings from these ties and difficult life, Jesus Christ, the Son of God who came to rescue many.


God bless you.






God bless you and bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you. Remember to acquire the book: "HOW TO UNDERSTAND THAT PRIESTHOOD PRODUCES IN ME MAN", through this link:





If you want us to be praying for you, send us your request through social networks or through these contacts.


web: https://www.agopla.com/

email: agopla1976@gmail.com

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/alfonso-gomez-plaza 

Instagram: @agopla1976

FaithSocial: agopla1125695

Twitter: @devocinagopla

Facebook: fb.me/devocionalesponcho

WhatsApp: Tel + 44 7446 424456

Sky: live633268005c

Pinterest: agomezplaza

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNslYjN5a7vRk2z7w3Qqnw/featured?view_as=subscriber




God bless you and always bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you.