

30 de marzo de 2021







Not clarifying doubts in the first moment will take us away from the truth.




                                       ACCORDING to the RAE, stupor is defined as: the decrease in the activity of intellectual functions, accompanied by a certain air or aspect of astonishment or indifference. The RAE says of the word stupidity: Remarkable clumsiness in understanding things. As Christians it often seems to us that stupidity is associated with insult and contempt for people. The apostle Paul warns us in the first letter written to the church like this: as it is written: God gave them a spirit of amazement, eyes with which they do not see and ears with which they do not hear, to this day. As the church of Christ, we need to proclaim the truth of the Gospel in a way that is understandable and easily understood. Having this consideration is not at any time an insult or contempt, in any case and using myself as an example, I will tell you the same thing that I said to my professor of Theology of the Holy Spirit: teach me how to stupid, because there are things that I do not understand the first time and I do not know because of my carelessness in my days as a college student.


"But they did not understand this word and were afraid to ask him."


Mark 9. 32


Jesus Christ during his ministry announced up to three times his death and resurrection and his truth; if my teacher told me or anyone I love did, he would most certainly not understand it either. Before this verse, Christ announces his death and resurrection, but the apostles with their understanding covered with that spirit of astonishment, instead of inquiring intimately with the Master, began to speak among themselves, thus, that doubt that was in them he continued to substantiate stupidity.


“And he came to Capernaum; and when he was at home, he asked them: What were you arguing with each other on the way?”


Mark 9. 33



Dear brothers in Christ, enough of being in doubt. Let us approach God and ask openly before his presence about the dreams, destinies, and purposes that he has for each one of us. Although it is God who allows that spirit of stupor to act in us, now that we have knowledge, let us reject the demonic action of it in our minds and ask God to free us from it. It is time to begin to see things and understand life as Jesus of Nazareth did. Perhaps, this small detail is the one that brings us closer to understanding that the Mind of Christ that is already in us must be activated and we must learn to live according to this model and thus reach the stature of Christ.


God bless you.




God bless you and bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you. Remember to acquire the book: "HOW TO UNDERSTAND THAT PRIESTHOOD PRODUCES IN ME MAN", through this link:





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God bless you and always bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you.


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